An Egg is a symbol of being protected and secure. But at the same time, it is the first obstacle for a life to break through to face the world.
Personally, I have long felt like I was in a small hard egg wanting to break out to become a grown up. My paintings are about these two phases. One is figure breathing inside the egg in deep darkness with energy and dreams. The others are figures touched by the light, having struggled and successfully broken through the shell.
I paint the depth of time with many layers of oil, and skin with rough and uneven textures like an egg’s surface. I use canvases that have life size (or bigger) figures. I use cool and muted colors to create an unreal/solitary space inside the egg. Warm and light colors are used to express optimism out of the egg.
In these Egg paintings, I honestly look at myself to the very bottom like in a mirror. That can be painful but are comforting to me like gloomy music or cloudy days. Whereas Out of Egg paintings are open experiment in which I can freely select the colors and brushstrokes, trying to find my new identity, not fearing for failure. They lead me in a new, different direction.
And both of them represent myself in transition between the two phases.
Personally, I have long felt like I was in a small hard egg wanting to break out to become a grown up. My paintings are about these two phases. One is figure breathing inside the egg in deep darkness with energy and dreams. The others are figures touched by the light, having struggled and successfully broken through the shell.
I paint the depth of time with many layers of oil, and skin with rough and uneven textures like an egg’s surface. I use canvases that have life size (or bigger) figures. I use cool and muted colors to create an unreal/solitary space inside the egg. Warm and light colors are used to express optimism out of the egg.
In these Egg paintings, I honestly look at myself to the very bottom like in a mirror. That can be painful but are comforting to me like gloomy music or cloudy days. Whereas Out of Egg paintings are open experiment in which I can freely select the colors and brushstrokes, trying to find my new identity, not fearing for failure. They lead me in a new, different direction.
And both of them represent myself in transition between the two phases.